According to Winkel (2005:114), career guidance is the
guidance in preparing for the world of work, in choosing employment or
occupation / profession specific and equip themselves to be ready coming to
power, and in adjusting to the demands of the job lapanan entered. Career
guidance can also be used as a means of meeting the needs of learners
developments should be seen as integral to this part of the integrated
education program in any field of study learning experience.
Career guidance is a process aid, services and approaches to
individuals (students / youth), so that the individual can know him, understand
him, and know the world of work merencankan future with life forms that are
expected to make choices and take a decision that the decision it is most
appropriate to the circumstances connected with his requirements and tunutan
jobs / careers they choose (Ruslan A.Gani: 11)
According to Herr career guidance is a device, rather a
systematic program, processes, techniques, or services intended to help
individuals understand and act on the basis of self-knowledge and recognition
opportunities in employment, education, and leisure, as well as developing
skills decision-making skills relevant to creating and managing career
development (Marsudi, 2003:113).
According Hatari (1983, in Sukardi 1992), guidance
vakasional / position is centered service provision to the counselee. It yag
precedence in this ministry is penyeberluasan position and labor market
information. The term career guidance contains a broader concept. When the
guidance office emphasizes the crucial decisions specific jobs, career guidance
focuses on the planning kehidpan someone to consider the individuals themselves
and their environment in order to obtain a feasible ositif role in society.
Career guidance is also a process of forming one's for
typing and receive an overview of self and personal picture of the world of
work was to finally be able to choose the work field, enter da build a career
in that field (Natawidjaja, 1991)
Career guidance is one of the areas of guidance in Guidance
and Counseling. The students obtain information about the career of Master Career
Guidance Counselor through the service. The general objective of career
guidance in schools is to help students have the skills to make decisions about
future career (Kasim, 2001).
Definition of the National Guidance Association, adopted
from Super (1951), is "the process of helping a person to develop a
self-image that is integrated receive and adequate and its role in the world of
work, to test the concept in reality, with satisfaction for themselves and for
society" (Sears, 1982).
Career guidance services are provided to help individuals to
choose, prepare, adjust and set himself the suitable jobs and obtain happiness
thereof (Dewa Ketut Sukardi 1987:22).
According to Mohamad Surya, career guidance is one of
bimbinganyang trying to help individuals in career problem solving, adjustment
to obtain the best between the ability to
environment, achieve success and self-realization in his
life journey.
According to Gibson & Mitchell, Career Guidance as an
ongoing developmental process that helps individuals in career preparation for
life through active intervention curriculum that allows them to be made
perencnaan career, manufacture desperation, mastering skills development,
career information and self-understanding.
According Munandir, Career Guidance and assistance service
is kegieatan kepadaa the learners in order that they obtain an understanding of
the world of work and the work was finally able to make choices and career
The concept of guidance office along with the concept of
mentoring was born in the United States in the early twentieth century, were
motivated by a variety of objective conditions at that time (1850-1900),
1. economic conditions;
2. social circumstances, such as urbanization;
3. ideological conditions, such as the anxiety to reshape
and spread the idea of the ability of a person in order to improve their own
capabilities and status, and
4. development of science (scientific), especially in the
field of psycho-physical sciences and psychology pioneered by Freechner
eksperimantal, Helmotz and Wundt, psychometric developed by Cattel, and the
other Binnet behest of these conditions, then comes the movement guidance
office (vocational guidance) that dispersed throughout the country (Crites,
1981 in Bahr Falah, 1987).
The term vocational guidance was first popularized by Frank
Pearson in 1908 when he managed to form an organization that aims to assist
young people in obtaining employment.
At first use of the term refers to the vocational guidance
efforts to help individuals in choosing and preparing for a job, including the
attempt to prepare the necessary skills to enter the job.
But since 1951, the experts held a change of approach from
the model occupational (occupational) to a model's career (career). Both models
possess a pretty fundamental difference, especially in an individual basis to
choose a position. On the occupational models emphasize the fit between talent
to the demands and conditions of employment. While the model's career, not just
giving emphasis on employment, but also try to connect with the concept of
development and the objectives that further personal values, self-concept,
personal plans and the like began to be taken into account.
Career guidance is not merely a response to the problems
that arise, but also helps acquire knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed in
the job. The use of the term meaning contained therein career employment and
occupation as well as a series of activities in achieving one's life goals.
Hattari (1983) states that the term career guidance contains a broader concept.
Guidance office emphasizes that decisions determining the specific job whereas
career counseling focuses on the planning of one's life by considering the
state of itself and its surroundings so that he obtain a broader view of the
effect of any positive role in the proper execution of the public.
Changes in terms of the guidance office (vocational
guidance) to contain the consequences of career guidance on the role and duties
of counselors in providing counseling services to students. Counselor roles and
tasks are not just to guide students in determining career choices, but also
required to guide students to understand themselves and their environment in
the context of career planning and setting future career in life. In its
development, in line with advances in information technology today, career
guidance counseling is one area that has successfully pioneered the use of
information technology, in the form of cyber counseling.
Meanwhile, in the perspective of national education, the
importance of career guidance already beginning to be felt along with the birth
of the movement guidance and counseling in Indonesia in the mid-1950s,
originated from the need for placement of students in the school at that time.
Subsequently, in 1984 along with the implementation of Curriculum 1984, career
counseling just feels dominated in guidance and counseling services, and in
1994, along with a name change to guidance counseling guidance and counseling
in the 1994 curriculum, career guidance placed as one field guidance.
Up to now it still career counseling is one area guidance.
In konsteks Competency Based Curriculum, with the integration of Life Skills
Education (Life Skill Education) in the school curriculum, the role of career
guidance it becomes very important, particularly in an effort to assist
students in acquiring vocational skills (vocational skills), which is one type
of skill in Education Life Skills (Life Skill Education).
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